February 2023 - How toplan an EQA, Webinar

FWD AMR-RefLabCap project invites to a webinar on How to plan an EQA.

February 14, - How to plan an EQA, Webinar

Email invitation sent on 21 November.

Date and Time: 14 February 2023 at 14:00-15:00 CET

How to plan an External Quality Assessment (EQA)

This webinar will give you an overview of what is required when setting up an EQA. This includes planning of activities, launching them and documenting that they are performed.

ISO/IEC 17043:2010 describes the requirements in relation to providing an accredited EQA in relation to both required activities and documentation.

Providing an accredited EQA may not be relevant for your laboratory, still, this document presents valuable information and guidance.

Therefore, with reference to ISO/IEC 17043:2010, we will go through what should be considered when setting up an EQA.

The webinar will present general considerations for planning an EQA as well as specific activities that must be planned. Moreover, the webinar will include examples of how activities might be documented for quality assurance purposes.

Following the presentation, we would like to invite input, questions and suggestions from the participants’ side.