October 29-30, 2024: Final network meeting



Session 1: Welcome

Session 2: Project outcome

Session 3: EQAs and Ring-Trials

Session 4: Knowledge exchange

  • The impact on culture-independent testing on the future of surveillance (available upon request)

Session 5: Sequencing support from ECDC

Session 6: Other projects and initiatives

October 18, 2024: Webinar on calculations of sample sizes for national surveillance

June 24-28, 2024: 3rd Multidisciplinary training workshop

Agenda (pdf)

Day 1

Day 5

  • Summary of the Table-top exercises (pdf)
  • WGS-based surveillance as a paradigm shift in outbreak detection, AMR monitoring and source attribution in Campylobacter spp. in Portugal (available upon request)
  • Salmonella Strathcona outbreak investigation and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Salmonella spp. isolates from 2000-2022 in Austria (available upon request)
  • Data sharing, events, clusters and cut-offs (available upon request)

March 12-13, 2024: Physical training workshop

Day 1

Day 2

March 1, 2024: Webinar on EQA2-WGS-AMR and RingTrial2-WGS-AMR

Presentation (pdf)