November 23, 2023, The outcome of the mapping exercise that was conducted by NRLs within the FWD AMR-RefLabCap

October 23-27 2023, 2nd Multidisciplinary training workshop for public health microbiologists and epidemiologists


Presentations: October 23 (Day 1)

Presentations: October 27 (Day 5)

Additional materials:

Danish Questionnaire Salmonella (pdf)
Danish Questionnaire Campylobacter (pdf)

April 26-27 2023, 2nd Network meeting at Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark



Session 1: Project overview

Session 2: Update from DG Sante and ECDC

Session 3: Exchange of experience 

Session 5: National capacity building

Session 6: Cross-sector collaboration 

March 23 2023, webinar: Guidance document on internal quality control schemes


February 14 2023, webinar: How to plan an External Quality Assessment (EQA)


  •  FWD AMR-RefLabCap-How to prepare an EQA-14. February 2023 (available upon request)

February 7 2023, webinar: EQA1-WGS-AMR and the RingTrial1-WGS-AMR results


January 31 2023, 3rd workshop: Mapping exercise (Data analysis, interpretation and dissemination